Sunday, November 25, 2007

I was only 19 when I found out I was pregnant, obviously I was too young. Nobody was happy that I was pregnant, except me. I was hoping that I was going to have a boy! When I was 4 months pregnant I went to the doctors office for the first time. I was all by myself in the office which really upset me because my son's father didn't want me to have a baby so he didn't really want to be around me. I went into the room and I got to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time. It was the weirdest thing I've ever heard. I was happy and upset. Then when I was 5 months pregnant I went to get my first ultrasound. My son's father came with me this time. Thats when I found out I was having a boy, but it wasn't all good news. The baby wouldn't move the way the ultrasound tech's wanted him to. He wouldn't bend his legs or move his arms, but they didn't seem too worried so I tried to put it out of my head. Things got pretty tough for me and my son's father. I decided to come up to Canada (where i'm originally from) and have my baby there. My mom really wanted me to come up but I soon learned it wasn't a good idea. So I came up to Calgary and the next 2 months were horrible. I had a great doctor in Calgary so I was feeling pretty comfortable with him delivering the baby. I had another ultrasound and I found out my baby was breach, his feet were at his head and he was sitting up right. My doctor then said I had two options, either I could have a c section or he could try turning the baby. I decided on a c section. I was scheduled to have the c section on October 1, 2006 at 1:00pm. I was soo scared. I have an exact date and time that I would be having this baby. So I went to the Rockyview Hospital and found out that my surgery was going to be pushed back an hour or so. I ending up going into the room around 2:30pm. I was just laying down on the table scared. I couldn't believe I was going to be having this baby and the father wasn't going to be there. They told me that they were going to have the baby out in 2 minutes!!! I felt them pushing down on my stomach and it felt as if there was something sitting on me. Then relief I could breath for the first time in my baby was out screaming. I was soo happy, but it was the weirdest feeling for me. I was a mother!! But something wasn't right, nobody was happy. I knew something was wrong. I kept asking my mom what was wrong but she wouldn't tell me. They didn't want me to freak out because they were now stitching me up. My mom finally told me that there was something wrong with the baby's hands. And the first thing I thought of was the first ultrasound! They showed me the baby and I just stared at him, and he was just staring back at me. They took him to the nursery to check him out and I had to go to the recovery room. My mom and Dr. Allan came into the room, they both had tears in their eyes, I had no idea what was going on. So Dr. Allan told me that their was something wrong with Devon. I wasn't upset because I had soo many pain killers in me at the time. People were scared to come and see the baby I think the first night. That night was amazing for me. I was soo in love with my baby. Sad though because I was there by myself and his dad wasn't there. The next day was the hardest day of my life. I had soo many doctors coming into the room examining Devon. He was just this little helpless baby crying because he was getting poked at. I couldn't stop crying that day. I didn't know how I was going to do this. My mom being the over dramatic woman that she is, decided to tell me that my son had Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (because she is a doctor in her eyes so she thought she could diagnose my son). Alot of the doctors actually thought he had that because he had every low muscle tone in his arms and legs. I found out later that day that most of his joints were stiff. I couldn't bend his arms to 90 degree's, and same with his legs. He also had severely clubbed feet. But he did have the nicest hair I've ever seen on a baby. I loved him regardless. I was scared though, I didn't know how my life was going to be once I left the hospital. Later that week I had an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon. Dr. Howard then told me that my son had a condition called Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, which is a rare congenital disorder that causes multiple joint contractures. But what was good that the disease isn't progressive, it only gets better. And it only occurs in 1 in 3000 live births. So Devon was going to get his legs casted to fix his clubbed feet. I was crying soo much because I didn't want them to hurt my baby. I couldn't imagine having casts on my legs, they started at his toes and went all the way up to his hips. They were on him for 2 months. Every week I needed to take them off myself. I would put him in the bath tub and soak the casts until they were soft enough to take off. He just screamed the whole time. I wanted to just hold my baby but I couldn't, I needed to take the damn casts off. When he was almost 3 months he needed to get a muscle biopsy. It was scary because babies this age have a great risk of something bad happening during surgery. But everything was fine. That night after he had surgery was horrible, the nurses gave him too much medication that could have stopped his heart. It was bad. And yet again I was all by myself, nobody there to help me. Devon was only doing better after we found out he didn't have any type of muscle problem except Arthrogryposis. Devon was on track for every milestone, except the hands and crawling. He was around 4 months when he first played with a toy. I was soo happy. I couldn't believe it. He only raised his right arm, it was great. He went for physio every week, they gave him wrist splints and knee splints, and he needed to wear these boots and bar 23 hours a day. He only got 1 hour with them off, but that only lasted for 3 months. The occupational therapists said he wouldn't sit up until he was older, but he sat up on his own when he was only 5 months old. He was soo happy when he did that! His first word was dada (even though he had never seen his dad). When he was 8 months old he did this thing we call the swivel bum, he sits down on the floor and his goes around in a circle, it was his way of moving. He is now 13 months and he is finally crawling, of course its not like how the average baby crawls, he just sits on his bum and moves his legs. Its too cute, he can get to one side of the room to the other in like a I am soo happy Devon is in my life. I hope things will only get better